The Cocotherapy treatment consists in applying an oil on the skin, then, through soft circular movements (performed with coconut nuts), soft and deep massages are given on the joints and muscles.
From head to toe, the sensation obtained from this therapy is unique and pleasurable and leads the patient to a unique state of relaxation. Thus eliminating accumulated tension and muscle contractures.
In addition, this procedure works on the lymphatic system, thus helping the elimination of liquids and toxins accumulated in the body. Coconut therapy also offers other benefits such as: reaffirming the skin, modeling the body and reducing measurements, this because the coconut nuts by their shape, texture (and finely polished) glide over the body highlighting the contours and providing a firming effect.
The massage should last between 25 and 55 minutes maximum.
We highly recommend using oils such as coconut or sweet almond oil for this treatment (oil not included)